Tape Core Editor
Want to customize your Tape Core Pedal? Experience Tape Core Editor by going to the NU-X Site and download the software. And remember to use DFU to update the firmware (bin) so you can enjoy the ultimate Tape Core Editor experience!
You can edit in Real-Time or Note Pattern mode by using the SYNC slider. This allows you to use actual musical notes to create an infinite combination of groove patterns.
This is used to re-assign your 7 Combinations, turn On/Off the AUTO TAP, and/or KILL DRY functions.
You can use this function to turn On/Off NUX's patented Smart-Tap Tempo. When not using Smart-Tap Tempo you need to HOLD your foot-switch 2 seconds and wait for LED indicator light to change color then TAP your speed.
With Smart Tap Temp, just start TAPPING, and it automatically knows that anything past 2 TAPS is your desired tempo.
Dry meaning "NO EFFECT" and Wet meaning “WITH EFFECTS”, there are situations where you need to "Kill the Dry", for example: if you connect Tape Core Deluxe to an amp that is already running both the Wet and Dry signal in Parallel ( side-by-side ). The KILL DRY switch allows you to turn On / Off your Dry signal so there are no signal conflicts.
The original Tape-Echo Machine had adjustment dials that allowed you to tweak some additional parameters: WOW, FLUTTER, BASS, REVERB, SATURATION and TREBLE. So, to get as close to the original as possible, we included them!