Starting in June
The Tegeler Music Showroom will be open the following hours:
Tuesday - Friday.....10:00 - 5:00
Saturday.....10:00 - 2:00
Join Us During the Summer Concert Season
Tegeler Music provides Concert Production Services during the summer and we hope you will join us to enjoy the fantastic shows.
Below is a list of this years show dates.
We apologize if any showroom closures due to a conflict with our normal business hours.
During any store closures you are welcome to shop online at
Concert Dates:
- June 1st - Jam at the Dam, Bellevue, IA
- June 2nd - Clinton Symphony Orchestra, Clinton Riverview
Bandshell, Clinton IA
- June 5th - Chase Matthew Concert, Wild Rose Casino,
Clinton IA
- June 14th - Johnny Rustler - Finally Friday Event, Clinton
Riverview Bandshell, Clinton IA
- July 5th & 6th - Heritage Days, Bellevue IA
- July 26th - Quiet Riot, Wild Rose Casino, Clinton IA
- August 2nd - Todd Striley & the Noise, Finally Friday Event, Clinton Riverview Bandshell, Clinton, IA
- August 9th & 10th - Bound for the Kingdom Festival,
Clinton Riverview Bandshell, Clinton IA
- September 21st - Revelation, Wild Rose Casino
- September 28th - Bacon & Brew Festival, Riverview
Bandshell, Clinton IA