The parallel histories of Jazz music and hollow-body electric guitars have been manifested in the Artstar. The influences of these legendary instruments are immediately apparent with bone nut, ebony fretboard, and Ibanez's signature Super 58 custom pickups. The critical eye will appreciate the details like the smoothness of the fretboard and a skilled crimping technique generally found on instruments costing twice as much. The Artstar is a pure jazz-box that embodies the continual innovation that is Jazz.
Ibanez introduced Artcore in 2002 and has been the hollow-body guitar of choice for musicians for the last 10 years. The Artcore's combination of quality workmanship and affordability has created legions of fans from diverse genres as blues, country, rock and jazz. Musicians can find the purity of an old school style jazz-box to a hybrid semi-hollow rocker. Artcore is highly respected for its tone, sustain and the way they hold their tuning and how the series continues to push the boundaries of guitar building.